
  • Norsk oppsummering
  • Introduction
    - About this report
  • The Norwegian context: Immigration regulation as disease control
    - Contagion invasion
    - Dugnad: Disease control through individualisation of structural problems?
  • Contagion bombs and a threat to public health: Immigration authorities and persons who sell sex
    - Further restrictions on travel and entry
    - Reactions from Pro Sentret and other service providers
    - Aftermath: The development of a guide for persons who sell sex
  • Testing and vaccination of persons without residency
  • Experiences from service providers 
  • Norway
    - Pro sentret
    - Nadheim
    - Sykepleie på hjul (nurses on wheels)
    - Albertine
    - Fri 
    - PION
  • Sweden
    - Municipal service providers
    - Other service providers
    - Member- and network organisations
  • Denmark
    - Reden
    - Amiami
    - Sexarbejdernes interesseorganisation (SIO)
  • Finland
    - Pro - Tukipiste
    - The way ahead
  • References